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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl elit viverra sollicitudin phasellus eros, vitae a mollis. Congue sociis amet, fermentum lacinia sed, orci auctor in vitae amet enim. Ridiculus nullam proin vehicula nulla euismod id. Ac est facilisis eget, ligula lacinia, vitae sed lorem nunc.

Install ArcView 3.3 on Windows XP x64

You can't run set-up because the installer is a 16 bit installer and XP64 won't run that. So you install ArcView 3.x on a non-XP64 computer. Copy the c:\ESRI\Av_GIS30 directory and the C:\Program Files\Common Files\ESRI\ directory and put them in the same place on the XP64 machine. (Instead of C:\Program Files\Common Files\ESRI on the 64 machine, copy it to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ESRI.)

Then you run regedit on the XP64 computer and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE and create a new ESRI key if one doesn't exist (left click on .../Software and then right click and select new Key). If it exists, don't create it. Under that "Key" create two new Keys - one titled ArcView GIS Version 3.0 and the other titled ArcView Projection Utility. Under both of those, create a new Key titled "CurrentVersion" ...

On your non-XP64 machine, go to regedit and then to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / ESRI / ARCVIEW 3.0 / Current Version and copy all of the items listed there into the same Key on the XP64 machine. (left click on the new key on the XP64 compuerand then right click on the work window and select "new" "string" type in the name e.g. Folder ... and then right click that and select Modify and enter the string found on the non-64 machine for that item)

Do the same for the CurrentVersion for the ArcView Projection Utility.

And then go to c:\esri\AV_GIS30\ArcView\BIN32\ and click onArcView.exe and it will run.


  1. Anonymous said...

    I did this, and it seems to work fine, except for two things:
    1. the projection utility does not work, I get an error 'Run-time error '339': Component 'COMDLG32.OCX or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid'. I registered the mo20.ocx as suggested in the Help, but get the same error. Any ideas?
    2. Marker symbols are gone -- its all #, %, $, and letters, etc, rather than anything like the old circles and squares and whatnot. Again, any ideas?

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