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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl elit viverra sollicitudin phasellus eros, vitae a mollis. Congue sociis amet, fermentum lacinia sed, orci auctor in vitae amet enim. Ridiculus nullam proin vehicula nulla euismod id. Ac est facilisis eget, ligula lacinia, vitae sed lorem nunc.

Global Mapper Portable

Global Mapper is more than just a viewer capable of displaying the most popular raster, elevation, and vector datasets: it converts, edits, prints, tracks GPS, and allows you to apply GIS functionality to your datasets in one low-cost and easy-to-use software package.

Your data files can be loaded as layers. For example, a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) can be loaded with a scanned topographical map to create a 3D view of the map. A digital aerial image can be draped on the surface together with contour vectors to create a stunning and informative graphic. The results can be printed, or the workspace can be exported to a high-resolution raster image for use in a presentation or report.

Global Mapper Advantages:

* Accurately perform distance and area calculations, raster blending and contrast adjustments, elevation querying, and line-of-sight calculations to maximize precision
* Routinely save time spent on repetitive tasks using the built-in scripting language and comprehensive batch conversion functionality
* Swiftly digitize new vector features, edit existing features, and easily save them to supported export formats
* Effortlessly track any compatible GPS device connected to your computer’s serial port over any loaded data, seamlessly mark waypoints, as well as record a track log
* Instantly specify contour intervals for any combination of elevation data with the advanced contour generation feature
* Automatically triangulate and grid 3D point datasets to convert a set of elevation samples into a fully gridded dataset
* Quickly capture screen content to a BMP, JPG, PNG, or (Geo) TIFF fi le, which you can intuitively rectify and save to a new, fully georeferenced image
* Promptly decompress each SDTS fi le transfer into a separate directory, saving valuable time
* Immediately view adjacent DRG fi les via automatic clipping of USGS DRG file collars
* And much more!

password : gisteamz


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